


/Python - unlike anything before!!!

Python - unlike anything before!!!

Prasant Mishra

20 modules


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Unleash your inner Pythonista with our innovative course


Make learning Python faster, more enjoyable and easier than ever! With Python - unlike anything before!!!. You'll learn Python concepts in a new and exciting way that will help you take your programming skills to the next level.

Key Highlights

Learn Python in a fun and engaging way

Master key programming concepts

Get hands-on experience with Python coding challenges

Explore real-world applications of Python

What you will learn

Learn fundamental Python concepts

Understand key Python concepts - variables, data types, logic statements and more - with easy-to-follow lessons and hands-on exercises.

Build practical Python skills

Gain practical experience with a range of Python techniques and programming challenges, including data analysis and visualization, web scraping and automation.

Get inspired with real-world Python examples

Discover how Python is used in real-world applications, from data analysis and scientific research to gaming, web development and more.


Introduction to Programming

16 attachments • 40 mins

What is Programming?

The Basics of Programming

Variables and Data Types

Operators and Expressions

Control Flow Statements


Quiz - 1: Programming Basics - 1

Functions and Procedures

Object-Oriented Programming

Algorithmic Thinking

Problem Solving


Quiz - 2: Programming Basics - 2

Algorithm to Create a Calculator

Algorithm to Create a Table of a specified number


Introduction to Python

26 attachments • 1 mins

Introduction to Python and its features

dummy placeholder


Python's History and Popularity - video

Installing Python and Setting up the development environment

Choosing and Configuring IDE for Python Development

Git Intro

Virtual Environments

Your first Python Code - Variables, Values and Intro to first data types

Numeric Data and their operations

String Data and their Operations

String Formatting

Control Flow Statements - Conditionals

Control Flow Statements - Loops - For

Control Flow Statements - Loops - While

More Data Types - Introduction - Introduction to Mutability

Introduction to Functions and Variable Scope

Function parameters (positional, keyword, default)

Return Values

Importing and using modules





Loop Control Statements - Break and Continue

Nested Loops and Loops Optimization

Working with Python Inbuilt Data Structures

10 attachments

Lists Manipulation - Slicing, Indexing

List Manipulation - modifying Lists - appending, extending and removing

List Comprehension

Dictionary relevance discussion

Dictionary Operations - adding, removing, extending

Dictionary Enumeration

Dictionary Comprehensions

Set relevance Discussion

Set Operations

Tuple Unpacking and Comprehension

File Handling

5 attachments

How Python understands the File System

Opening and Closing a File - Modes of File Operation

Reading a File

Writing to a File

Introduction to Context Managers

Errors, Exceptions and how to handle them

5 attachments

Errors vs Exceptions

Intro to try-except-finally block

Multiple Except Block and exception hierarchy

Using else with exception handling block

Error Handling in File Operations

Object Oriented Programming

17 attachments

Understanding OOP's relevance

Objects, Classes and Instances

Class variables and Instance Variables

Public and Private Variables

Understanding Relationships between Classes



Inheritance - Introduction

Method Overriding

Method Overloading

Multiple Inheritance

Multi-Level Inheritance

Hierarchical Inheritance

Hybrid Inheritance

Monkey Patching


ABC - Abstract Base Classes

Iterators and Generators

10 attachments

Introduction to Iterators

Iterable Objects

Built-In Iterators

Creating Custom Iterators

Iteration Protocols

Introduction to Generators

Generator Expressions

Benefits of Generators

Use Cases and Practical Applications of Iterators and Generators

Generator Decorators and Advanced Generator Concepts


8 attachments

Introduction to Decorators

Function Decorators

Class Decorators

Creating Custom Decorators

Decorator Chaining

Built-in Decorators

Best Practices and Considerations

Decorators in the Python Ecosystem

Context Managers

9 attachments

Intro to Context Managers, again

The `with` Statement

Context Manager Protocols

Using Context Managers

Creating Custom Context Managers

Exception Handling with Context Managers

Nested Context Managers

Contextlib Module

Use Cases and Best Practices


10 attachments

Introduction To Multithreading

Threading Module

Creating and Starting Threads

Thread Synchronization

Thread Communication

Thread Safety and Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)

Thread Pool Executors

Thread Scheduling and Priorities

Thread Safety and Global State

Best Practices and Considerations

Async Programming

10 attachments

Introduction To Async Programming

Asyncio Library

Coroutines with async/await

Event Loops and Event Loop Policy

Tasks and Futures

Async I/O and Non-Blocking Operations

Concurrency and (v/s) Parallelism

Synchronization and Coordination - locks, semaphores, queues, and barriers

Error Handling and Exception Propagation

Third-Party Libraries and Frameworks - aiohttp, aioredis, FastAPI, Tornado

Regular Expressions or regex

10 attachments

Introduction to Regular Expressions

The 're' Module

Basic Pattern Matching

Metacharacters and Escaping

Character Classes and Character Sets

Quantifiers and Grouping

Anchors and Boundaries

Lookahead and Lookbehind

Flags and Modifiers

Practical Examples and Use Cases

Introduction to Testing

10 attachments

Importance of Testing

Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Unit Testing

The 'unittest' Module

Test Discovery

Test Fixtures and Setup/Teardown

Test Coverage

Test Doubles and Mocking

Other Testing Frameworks

Integration and Functional Testing

Testing with pytest

18 attachments

Installation and Test Discovery

Test Function and Execution

Test Fixtures

Parameterized Testing

Skipping and Marking Tests

Test Coverage and Plugins

Fixture Scope and Autouse

Test Hooks

Advanced Features and Customization

Custom Markers

Parameterized Fixtures

Custom Command-Line Options

Plugin System

Test Coverage with pytest

Fixture Finalization and Teardown

Test Parametrization and Data Generation

Custom Test Reporting

Configuration file

Python debugger - pdb

5 attachments

Importing pdb, Setting breakpoints and Exiting the Debugger

Running the debugger

pdb Commands

Examining Values

Stepping Through Code

Python Best Practices

4 attachments

Packages and Modules introduction

Module Structures

Documentation, Code Readability and Commenting

Generating Documentation with tools

Version Control Basics

5 attachments

What is Git?

Setting Up Github repo

Basic Git Commands

Collaborating on Github

Performance Optimization Techniques

Identifying Performance Bottlenecks

4 attachments

Time and Space Complexity Analysis

Optimizing Code and Algorithms

Caching and Memoization

Concurrency and Parallelism

Packaging and Deploying Python applications

14 attachments

Package Structure

Dependencies and Virtual Environments

Setup Configuration

Build and Distribution

Documentation and Readme


Version Control and Repository

Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)

Documentation and Code Style

Distribution Options

Community Engagement, Feedback and Iteration

Versioning and Release Management

Security and Maintenance

Collaboration and Contribution


6 attachments

Recap of Fundamentals, OOPS, File Handling and Data Persistence

Recap of Iterators, Generators, Context Managers and Decorators

Web Scraping and API's Introduction

Data Structures and Algorithms Introduction

Mongo, Express and React with Python



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Can I access the course materials on any device?

Yes, our platform is designed to be accessible on various devices, including computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. You can access the course materials anytime, anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection.

How can I access the course materials?

Once you enrol in a course, you will gain access to a dedicated online learning platform. All course materials, including video lessons, lecture notes, and supplementary resources, can be accessed conveniently through the platform at any time.

Can I interact with the instructor during the course?

Absolutely! we are committed to providing an engaging and interactive learning experience. You will have opportunities to interact with them through our community. Take full advantage to enhance your understanding and gain insights directly from the expert.

About the creator

About the creator

Prasant Mishra

Greetings! I'm Prasant, an Educator, Developer, and Architect, wielding expertise in Python, MERN, DSA, and System Design.

Armed with a robust command over industry-leading technologies, I am intensely determined to empower aspiring developers through practical insights and real-world examples.

With my guidance, my extensive cohort of 3000+ students are undeniably excelling and surpassing expectations.

Embark on this transformative journey to attain unrivaled professional excellence.

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